Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Start... Day 0

This is the start of my 108 day journey to a better me... how exciting! I am so grateful I found The Ultimate Yoga series, and even more grateful to have found the facebook group wanting to share this journey together - to inspire and support.

In reality Monday will be day 44 for me on The Ultimate Yogi. I have been practicing yoga on and off for 8+ years and it was not until recently I really became addicted to a daily practice. Last winter I was in Nicaragua for 2 months and needed a daily exercise program so I started with my yoga DVDs. Before I knew it, daily yoga was the right fit for me. I quickly became tired of my DVDs and went on iTunes to download some more videos... that is where I stumbled upon Travis Eliot. His yoga practice quickly became my favorite and I had to have more. Searching on the web led me to The Ultimate Yogi series. I ordered the series and had it delivered to a friend's house since I would not be back home for another month.

Once I returned home I struggled with how to fit in yoga, aerobics, going to the gym and life. After testing out the UY videos I realized I no longer needed my gym membership. I quit the gym after having a membership for over 20 years;  began the UY program and started using our treadmill for the aerobics portion of my workouts. Once the weather warms up I will be outside on my bicycle.

I joined the 108 Days to a Better You group to see what others had to say about the program and to share ideas. I have been elated with the great group of people from all over the world that have gathered together.

There is no doubt in my mind that I want to travel this journey to a better me with the help of these new friends. On May 6th I will continue on day 44 of the Ultimate Yogi. I am so inspired by my progress that I want to continue where from where I am at rather than reset to day 1. The consensus of the feedback I got from the group was to continue.

For those just beginning I have one thing to say... IT DOES GET EASIER. The first time I did some of the videos I thought... WOW... I have a lot of room for improvement. And over the course of the 44 days I have been witness to that improvement. It is exciting and empowering!

I have also had some exciting breakthroughs on letting old belief patterns go and how calm I can stay in a stressful situation. The transformation is starting to take place and I am excited to see where this journey is going to take me.

My goals for this next 108 days include:

1. Do the hardcore video when I am supposed to. This section of the program always seems to be pushed aside when I think I don't have enough time.

2. Concentrate on the common sense food plan. I already have a pretty healthy diet (have been vegetarian for about 10 years), but there is always room for improvement. Even vegetarians can eat too many processed foods and sugar.

3. Continue with my personal growth of being a better version of me. I read that "the authentic self is the soul made visible" and that is what this program is helping me to do - peel off the layers so my authentic self can shine through.

Good luck to everyone on this journey, may we all move in the direction of our better self... Namaste!

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